Sleep and Success: Unlocking the Power of Quality Rest

In our quest for success, we often glorify the idea of burning the midnight oil, trading sleep for productivity. But here’s a revelation: quality sleep isn’t a hindrance to success; it’s a catalyst. It’s a foundational pillar of wellness that profoundly influences our professional achievements and overall life satisfaction. Let’s explore the profound connection between…

Mindful Movement: Incorporating Exercise into Your Workday

The modern work environment often has us spending long hours seated at desks or in front of screens. While this dedication to tasks is commendable, it’s essential to recognise the profound benefits of incorporating physical activity into your workday. From increased productivity to improved wellbeing, mindful movement can transform your work experience. The Benefits of Workday Exercise…

Our End of Year Wellness Programs!

We have entered the last couple of months of 2021. The workforce may be transitioning into getting back in the office and this could become a little stressful. We have some great webinars and activities lined up to help you complete your wellness calendar! Let’s have a look at what you could do at your…

Home & Office Ergonomics

A safe and healthy work environment is a productive work environment. Poor ergonomic practices can lead to lower productivity and in extreme cases physical injury, which is obviously bad for business. Especially now since majority of us are working from home, we do not have the privilege of working an in office where the company…